Possibly Good Ideas
Hello folks.
The Lexiphage has been dragged screaming into the modern world with the people at Blogger dragging me to their new version... apparently they have been reading my blog as they were very particular about crossing out the "Beta" moniker in the title. Despite my worst fears and past experience with the world in general, this was not instantly lethal or even particularly painful, although the jury is still out on any of the particular improvements what with how I haven't had time to check them out.
Also worth mentioning is the blog of my biggest fan's husband... while I don't have a link up for him yet I'll get it there soon. In the meanwhile I'd just like to mention his ideas for a political "utopian" party removed from right and left wing goofiness has some interesting potential... as a warning to those who would track this guy down (as I said, I'll get the link up soon enough) he has an aversion to sound bites and goes pretty much in the opposite direction, he appears to have a fairly well-functioning noodle on the subject.
This is gonna be a pretty short blog, what with how I'm jamming it unceremoniously into an otherwise normal morning and no doubt am going to be heavily penalized for it. Thusly, I'll have to continue my rant at a more convenient point in space-time.
Farewell to you all,
The Carminative Lexiphage.
The Lexiphage has been dragged screaming into the modern world with the people at Blogger dragging me to their new version... apparently they have been reading my blog as they were very particular about crossing out the "Beta" moniker in the title. Despite my worst fears and past experience with the world in general, this was not instantly lethal or even particularly painful, although the jury is still out on any of the particular improvements what with how I haven't had time to check them out.
Also worth mentioning is the blog of my biggest fan's husband... while I don't have a link up for him yet I'll get it there soon. In the meanwhile I'd just like to mention his ideas for a political "utopian" party removed from right and left wing goofiness has some interesting potential... as a warning to those who would track this guy down (as I said, I'll get the link up soon enough) he has an aversion to sound bites and goes pretty much in the opposite direction, he appears to have a fairly well-functioning noodle on the subject.
This is gonna be a pretty short blog, what with how I'm jamming it unceremoniously into an otherwise normal morning and no doubt am going to be heavily penalized for it. Thusly, I'll have to continue my rant at a more convenient point in space-time.
Farewell to you all,
The Carminative Lexiphage.