The Lexiphage Heads out West
Greetings from afar, fellow... er... fellows...
Well for the last few weeks your truly has been fleeing the powers that be by swapping provinces on a regular basis; this apparently has been effective because I have not received a hydro bill or government leaflet since...
Although I surveyed a number of provinces and one state in my sabbatical, I spent the greatest fraction in BC as it was furthest away from Dalton McGuinty. The large number of mountains not only hid me from spy sattelites near the horizon line, but also obscured the signals from the various sensor devices and the ELF transmitter employed by the Circle of Evil that runs the world. Also, BC is populated by a disproportionate number of hot women. No down side, right?
Whilst in BC I visited a number or relatives and freinds, including a short stint across the border for an enlightening visit with my P.A.L. who, more than I realized, shares some of that down-home Lexiphagey philosophy you all seem to enjoy for some reason. Apparently the Circle of Evil has been on her tail for some time (well, on quite on it, that's her girlfreind's job, but near it anyway...), and when they realized we were in close proximity they sent messages to the U.S. border guards to harrass us until the Men in Black could arrive to finish the job. Fortunately we evaded their encircling grip by a hair's breadth and survived to spread our dissent in our respective fashions... Take that, evil!
The Lexiphage is finally the proud owner of his first solar panel, which, when combined with rechargable batteries and a lot of adapter cables, allows me to strike back at the Hydro Thugs with a small measure of vengeance. Eventually, a wide assortment of these will keep my Lair all nice and electromagnetically cloaked from prying eyes, during daylight anyway, and will be supplemented with windmills, water wheels, and a geothermal dynamo which draws its power from the hot air generated by our political leaders (politicothermal?).
Thanks everyone for the kudos on my seditious plans last post, I hope to develop these plans over time and upon further consultation with my expanding Circle of Something Other Than Evil. Anyhoo, I should take off, there's a targeting laser attempting to paint me through the window, and I want to avoid the attendant guided missiles. Talk atcha soon,
The Electromagnetically Inducted Lexiphage.
Well for the last few weeks your truly has been fleeing the powers that be by swapping provinces on a regular basis; this apparently has been effective because I have not received a hydro bill or government leaflet since...
Although I surveyed a number of provinces and one state in my sabbatical, I spent the greatest fraction in BC as it was furthest away from Dalton McGuinty. The large number of mountains not only hid me from spy sattelites near the horizon line, but also obscured the signals from the various sensor devices and the ELF transmitter employed by the Circle of Evil that runs the world. Also, BC is populated by a disproportionate number of hot women. No down side, right?
Whilst in BC I visited a number or relatives and freinds, including a short stint across the border for an enlightening visit with my P.A.L. who, more than I realized, shares some of that down-home Lexiphagey philosophy you all seem to enjoy for some reason. Apparently the Circle of Evil has been on her tail for some time (well, on quite on it, that's her girlfreind's job, but near it anyway...), and when they realized we were in close proximity they sent messages to the U.S. border guards to harrass us until the Men in Black could arrive to finish the job. Fortunately we evaded their encircling grip by a hair's breadth and survived to spread our dissent in our respective fashions... Take that, evil!
The Lexiphage is finally the proud owner of his first solar panel, which, when combined with rechargable batteries and a lot of adapter cables, allows me to strike back at the Hydro Thugs with a small measure of vengeance. Eventually, a wide assortment of these will keep my Lair all nice and electromagnetically cloaked from prying eyes, during daylight anyway, and will be supplemented with windmills, water wheels, and a geothermal dynamo which draws its power from the hot air generated by our political leaders (politicothermal?).
Thanks everyone for the kudos on my seditious plans last post, I hope to develop these plans over time and upon further consultation with my expanding Circle of Something Other Than Evil. Anyhoo, I should take off, there's a targeting laser attempting to paint me through the window, and I want to avoid the attendant guided missiles. Talk atcha soon,
The Electromagnetically Inducted Lexiphage.