Monday, July 7, 2008

The Solution For Bad Government

Greetings fellow malcontents... sorry I've been away so long... after my last blog the Hydro Thugs scooped me off of the street and attempted a couple of months worth of mind control techniques (learned in Quebec in the 60's or so by the CIA & a few cronies) but luckily these tend to only work in large scale populations & I managed to wear a tinfoil helmet through part of it...
As I mentioned last blog, the goverment is generally a conglomerate of corporate interests and rich lawyers & professional shmucks who conspire to load the system for themselves... it occurred to me that I was, in a sense, being part of the problem by not suggesting a solution... no one likes a whiner, least of all one who whines about death & taxes, which are pretty much going to be here for quite a while regardless anyway...
My idea is this: throughout history, there has been only one significant force for change... only one way to wrest power from those who have it... that is simply to take it. Now hear me out, 'cuz I'm not talking armed insurrection neccessarily... but how about this:
The government is screwing up power generation, as I mentioned last time... the solution in this case is to generate your own power, also as I mentioned... The government is primarily concerned with passing laws with no discernable purpose other than to serve themselves and their corporate masters... (NAFTA, for example) don't follow those laws. For example, the government is taxing income trusts in retired people's savings: the solution is to take your money to a credit union or other smallish bank which doesn't follow the conventional dogma. The government seizes control of the media to control our access to information, get your info from independant publications or the internet... you don't even have to break the law, just don't accept its limitations on your actions and do things for yourself...
Ultimately the powers that be have already seized power from us, regulating our every move... and regardless of their promises to the contrary have done it for interests other than our own. There are many legal ways to set up an opposition, so when the government does something stupid, make up your own solution and rely on it instead. If the government makes sense, then follow their lead... pay your taxes, but write everything off that's possible... the idiots in power put those loopholes in for their own benefit, but you can use them too...
Ultimately the solution is to set up our own government processes; as I have mentioned before moving up north is an excellent opportunity for this- Evil corporate interests are less intrusive in a town of 10,000 people 1000 kilometres from Toronto. Become involved in local politics, and wherever possible, support those initiatives which keep the hand of government in it's own pocket and not ours. They've already got enough of our money in slush funds and secret embezzelled bank accounts in other countries. Get your own car- Quebec already manufactures an all-electric car that works fine, they just refuse to allow it in 8 of the provinces or any of the territories. Buy one anyway. Is the government going to send someone up here to check our compliance with a law no one knows about, or are they going to send someone to a $2000 a night hotel in LA to discuss the implications of the Global Village? You know the answer.
To this end, I think my solution is, as far as you are able, set up your Lexiphage-style retirement property... move next to mine once I get it going, and we'll have ourselves a nice little town we can call the Village of Opposition.
That's all for now,
Till next time, fight the power, rage against the machine, and don't let the bastards grind you down.
The Gerrymanderic Lexiphage
