Monday, January 28, 2008

A Smattering of General BS

Hi everyone. I know it's been a long time, and you've all been wrapping rubber around your arms waiting for that Lexiphage fix, well, sorry for the wait- I spent a few months fighting the sociopolitical consumerist machine and their thuggish minons during Christmas and the following aftershocks, thanks for asking, I think I'm over it.
On the politics side of things: McGuinty has really stepped up to the plate with his powerful leadership, taking an admirable stand against ethnic segregation when asked about the proposed 'African Centred' school. Something along the lines of ' I don't think that's a positive step in the right direction for us... It's not my job to make any decisions, though, ask your trustee... someone hand me a poll to tell me what I think'. I'm glad we don't elect leaders to make decisions. That would be wrong. Maybe even more wrong than herding black people into a segregated school. I'm not sure. Ask your trustee.
On the subject of trustees, one from the local Roman Catholic board has recently been caught putting carribean vacations and her wedding on her expense account, but when caught suddenly became overwhelmed with stress and checked into a loonybin, so her lawyer says we should be sympathetic and leave her alone. This is the decision making ability we need to trust on those complicated moral issues.
On the home front, the smurfs are doing well, absorbing knowledge at a frightening rate. The larger smurf lately is interested in taking his dishes into the kitchen, vacuuming, and complaining, so I guess he's after my job. The smaller smurf is branching out a little on the food front, attempting yoghurt and different flavoured doughnuts (instead of the traditional chocolate glazed) recently.
A couple of weeks ago the Neighbour Lady and I decided we really couldn't stand each other as much as we thought we could and had a relatively peacable breakup with a minimum of ammunition expended. I know it's not my style to leave a woman with her mental health intact, but I guess I am in growth.
I recently inherited a gaggle of books from a freind of mine and have been reading heavily- I have access to at least 30 novels I haven't read yet, so I'll be powering through them until probably April sometime, and therefore have an excuse to take in more caffeine. This is always a good thing.
My writing appears to be hitting another peak, as without the Neighbour Lady phoning me every 38 seconds I now have enough time to work on proposals for agents and publishers on a more regular basis, when I can squeeze that in between outrageous levels of flirting and drinking. If I can keep the momentum up I'll have a proposal ready sometime this week, although trust a literary agent to demand all submissions in rtf format with specific headers when rtf doesn't do headers. (For those of you without typing experience, that's the little line at the top that has the page number, chapter, phone number and turn-ons of the author.)
I have uncovered a swath of new conspiracy theories that I'm attempting to cram into drafts for my second book; Discover! magazine has an article on chemical modification of long-term memory that is just too juicy to miss, the states are programming clones for their elections, I had a firsthand account from soemone who spent time with Toronto's mole people, and I found out how to mask an infrared signature from sattelite serveillance. On the whole a productive month or two.
Well, that's all you get for now. I need to restock my canned food and shotgun shells, and check on the investment sealed into the concrete in my basement. Until next time,
Live long and prosecute,
The Wassailing Lexiphage.

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