Wednesday, June 14, 2006

New Developments

Salutations, computer people! Once again you are in the presence of the Lexiphage. Lots of stuff happened today, so hold onto your hats.
Today Mya, my two and a half year old autistic daughter, had several discoveries: first, she discovered her shadow, and spent several hours moving her arms, touching her head and observing the phenomenon. Secondly, Mya normall is paranoid about walking outside and normally only walks two or three steps before planting herself on her butt. Today she walked with Gav & I on the way back from picking up the mail a half a block away. Thirdly, she discovered she could push open the bathroom door and observe me on the can. I guess I have to make sure it's closed solidly from now on.
Today Gavin (my 4-year old autistic son) went to the school he'll be attending next fall and met his teachers and classmates. It looks like a good program. He got bored and wanted to leave after a half hour or so, but that's par for the course. Also today Gav made progress towards riding his tricycle; he actually pedalled for about ten feet, but didn't actually realize he had done it. I praised the heck out of him anyway, and he knows something happened... maybe he'll catch on next time.
Today I finally got a return call from the people I'm supposed to see about anger management, after only calling them four times over two months. Apparently if I go to anger management the Crown will agree to consider not harrassing me after only another year or so, due to the thing I didn't do that nobody in the world believes I did. That'll teach me. All they wanted me to do was rustle up a babysitter and get down to Woodbridge by 2 tomorrow afternoon. That's fair; I only gave them fifty days' notice, so they generously gave me 22 hours notice in return. (By the way, thanks to my sister Devon for once again bailing me out!) It's a good thing that I only have 2 autistic kids, no car, no money until next week and two appointments to cancel to accomidate them. It'd be a pity if one of the lawyers involved had to leave a $180 lunch or golf game 5 minutes early to come up with a reasonable solution instead.
On the more reasonable side of things I also walked four miles or so today pushing a 100 pound stroller (including the two kids) with a wheel that fell off halfway there.
Well, I'm going to go collapse from exhaustion. Oh, yeah... maybe I should eat something. I'll see if I can catch a bat in my teeth on my way out from under the bridge. Yummy!
Ciao for now, the Emaciated Lexiphage.

P.S.: I heard a rumour an Al Quaida terrorist plans to put a half a peanut in each public school bathroom in New York City. Authorities are beating to death anyone of middle eastern descent carrying any Planter's products. Be warned! Carry chips instead!


Blogger Fiddling Granny said...

That is so cool, Mya's discoveries yesterday, and her having walked so far ... that's a big deal. Maybe next time she's up here she'll walk outside here too.

And Gavin mastering the tricycle, that's awesome too.

That's a lot of progress for one day!

So is the anger management just one session? Do you think they make it so inconvenient so that by the time you get there you're in a rage, and they have something to work wwith?

8:56 a.m.  
Blogger SusanE said...

The little victories in life are great.

I can't wait for the report on anger management.

10:08 a.m.  
Blogger SusanE said...

Cam. you are the only other addicted blogger at this point. I count on you to feed my addiction. Post please. I need a regular fix and the others are too infrequent.

5:13 p.m.  

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