Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Feindish Convocation

Hello again, computer land, it is I, the Lexiphage.
There are several Big Events to report in this episode, so try to keep up.
1) The Evenden Family Reunion went off without a hitch; the smurfs and I had a good time although the smurfs- both Gavin and Mya- previously afraid of water, demanded to spend every possible minute in the pool. My socializing time was a little short as a result, but it was nice to see the kids 'swimming' in the pool (they don't actually know how to swim, so their bouyancy must be supplied by an adult). Mya even said a couple of words, and Gavin had a chat with Grandma. I saw many relatives I hadn't seen in a marmoset's age, and most of them are just as insane as they used to be. Cheryl and John put up with us with remarkable skill.
The smurfs and I got home at around 9:45 pm, nearly 2 hours after regular bed hours, and the house was kind of an oven. I left all the upstairs doors open, and in the middle of the night Gavin snuck down to the basement and slept there. Apparently he is not afraid of the dark, 'cuz there weren't any lights on down there, and ony one tiny window, in the part that's my evil laboratory. Fortunately, Gavin did not wake up Victor. The kids woke up this morning at around 10.
2) My weekly trips to the Fortress of Anger continue unabated, and I seem to have overcome the insane cabby timeclock so that 5-10 minutes now means only 20 minutes or so on a pretty reliable basis (for those who missed my previous blogs, 5-10 minutes in cabby-ese means long enough that you can wait for a car to evolve from whatever is in your area and take you to your destination before the cab will actually arrive).
3) Dalton McGuinty has been stealing my dish soap. I run out of dish soap far too fast for any other explanation to make sense. I imagine he's already run through our tax dollars paying people to decipher the entrails of birds for his next great idea, and needs a new source of revenue.
4) The Insane Ex seems to be settling down in her old age or something, and has been taking the kids every week or two (instead of every month or two) and generally talking less trash, so perhaps they have her on new brain chemicals.
5) The smurfs are doing well at their preschool; Mya really tries to communicate with the teachers there, and Gavin has at least two freinds their he hangs out with (read: follows around and studies).

Well, I think that's about it... I have a busy day today, handing off children to a few people, restocking my canned food and shotgun shells, and finding a way to log the use of dish soap. See you all in another two to five days for another samizdat, and may the sun shine upon your enemies so you can aim better.
Farewell, the Scatalogous Lexiphage.


Blogger Fiddling Granny said...

That was a party wasn't it? The kids were awesome ... I think it was a great experience for them.

As for the dish soap .... I was wondering what was happeing to my dish-washer pcuks ... hmmmm. I may have to find a way to log too.

12:40 p.m.  

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