Sunday, June 25, 2006

Ranting to a smaller audience

Bonjourno, fellow humans (and anyone else who's watching)! The Lexiphage has once again entirely filled his brain with information of dubious quality, and therefore has seen fit to make space by dumping the excess on you.
A quick apology for my last post... (I'm not a politician, I can apologize!) my use of the word "satietous" was stretching it. "Sated" would have been a better choice (although not as fun), and when other people use a bigger word just to be pedantic, I usually foam at the mouth and swing around blindly with a goalie stick. I shall endeavour to be a mite less fraudulent in my wordosityousness forthwith.
So, I have had a fair weekend, and for that matter a fair week. The rugrats are apparently in daycare solidly now, without men in dark glasses hanging around the classroom, so I may have pulled that off. My courtroom drama unfolds on a fairly regular basis; on Friday the Crown Attorney apparently agreed that in a couple of months when I finish the Anger Management course they bamboozled me into, they'll seriously consider maybe going through with their part of the bargain, which is maybe considering to possibly not bother to prosecute me to quite the full extent of the law because they know they would lose anyway, unless they decide to make an example of me because I'm a white male Anglo-Saxon protestant(ish) who, by reason of being alive, obviously spends all of his time oppressing everyone else.
This week I will continue the fight to claim a new Birth Certificate for Mya, but I will have to go back to Aurora to reclaim some forms which were being held for that purpose or they'll kick my daughter out of daycare for the grevious sin of being born in a position where she has to leech off a system which by all rights should be taking care of richer children so their parents can spend more time at the country club.
Lastly, I am hoping to have the opportunity to do some publisher research at the local library on, say, Wednesday or so, when the kids are in their thingy, so I can poison the world with my veiwpoint in hard copy, through bookstores. Here's hopin'.
I think that's all the news I have... Apparently Fiddling Granny and Mr. Gryper will be unable to keep pace with my posts for awhile, as they're wandering the untamed wilderness for a bit, so they won't mind... Anyhoo, I'm hoping to come up with some kind of serious news for my Canada Day Blog, you know, to mark the occassion. Keep watch for something really funny to catch fire in Mr. McGuinty's garbage. Until then, keep one eye watchin' over your shoulder for the Men in Black, and one eye lookin' over the other shoulder for the government trying to lift your wallet.
The Enigmatic Lexiphage.


Blogger SusanE said...

You must keep a dictionary in your back pocket.

8:59 p.m.  

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