Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ontario wins the lottery

Hi again, Lexiphans... I have startling news.
I was reading the paper a few days ago and came upon something which has never happened before...

Dalton McGuinty had an idea which wasn't entirely stupid!!!

I know what you're thinking: "am I on the right web site?", and ordinarily, you would be corrwct in asking that. No I am not being coerced at gunpoint by Men in Black, nor am I being blackmailed, nor has Mr. McGuinty finally found my price and paid it (incidentally, Dalton, something in the five digit range will make me at least pretend to think you're not an idiot). No, it's this:
McGuinty has decided to start a "Solar Farm", a 400 hectare area jam-packed with solar panels, to supplement the grid. ( For Mr. Gryper and other non-metric types, a Hectare is a square 100 metres a side, about the size of my ego) istead of flicking the switch for the coal plants on and off, instead of pouring more money into nuclear plants which spend 30 years in renovations for every 38 seconds of successful operation, he's decided to fire up a small solar plant.
Don't get me wrong, there are problems with the specifics: the main one is that it is being built on farmland, and Ontario has some of the best farmland in the world already being wasted supporting condos instead of human life, and admittedly a power plant isn't an effective use of this when we've got about a zillion free hectares of hills and forest about 200 miles in any northerly direction. Secondly that Solar power isn't an especially powerful power source, although the fuel is free and there's few moving parts involved so it's easy to maintain once you fork out the dough to build it... But it seems to go against Liberal party policy to:
1) Decide to do something environmentally freindly
2) Decide to do something environmentally freindly which will actually solve another problem we've been having
3) Decide to do these things in a way that makes some level of sense
4) Allocate the money to a program that can actually spend it and
5) Decide that the construction and labour should not necessarily take place in Quebec.
The real trial, of course, will be to see if they actually take any steps towards implementing this good idea when they could be sending all the money to Zimbabwe to support Mugabe's reign of terror with a nice Hallmark which reads "Dear Evil Dictator, please spend this money on something which won't kill anybody, unless us making a demand like that upon you offends you in some way, in which case buy nukes and we're sorry. xoxoxo :)"
Another breakthrough came yesterday, when trying to make Daughter Smurf walk around outside and she surprised me by walking down the block to the grocery store for a Danish, walking back, and climbing into the house and down the stairs by herself. This from a girl who two days ago refused to take even one step in pretty much the same circumstance, and who's mortally afraid of stairs. Cool, eh?
Well, I gotta go and give money to the Hydro people again before they send their Hydro-thugs after me, not to mention every other multinational billionaire company who needs my money more than me. Until next time,
the Lackadaisical Lexiphage.

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Blogger Cherylinn said...

Daughter Smurf - that's awesome new.
Instead of waisting all the farm land, they should use it properly. Wind mills standing tall and erect and the farmer plowing and planting around them.

7:08 a.m.  

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