Monday, April 16, 2007

Rise of the Smurfs

Hello, good evening and welcome!
Once again we bring you a full helping of Lexiphage, which comes complete with side dish and beverage of your choice.
This past couple of weeks has been eventful with regards to the Smurfs- Gav and Mya have been talking with unprecedented frequency and ability.
Gav has been using lots of sentences, such as "What is that?", "Is this happening?", and "I wanted this, not juice". To make sure everyone understands, Gav has also got in the habit of saying every sentence a dozen times, each time rewording it so he's sure to get his point across. Example: "Jo's gone home now, Jo's gone away, she's gone now, she's not here, she went home, Jo's gone out, She's gone to her house."
As a completely seperate triumph, Gavin and I had a Sunday breakfast together of steak and eggs, and he actually ate an entire steak! Until this point, the only meat I could get him to eat was bacon, pepperoni, or stuff I could make to look like bacon or pepperoni. Admittedly I had to cut the steak in long, thin strips, but no one would have mistaken it for bacon.
Mya is also advancing rapidly- she can sing several of the words to "twinkle, twinkle little star", and has used her first short sentences- such as "I did that". Of course, she still vastly prefers screeching and screaming to get what she wants, but that she actually seems to think me worthy of talking to is quite the leap.
Also of note on the Mya front- the school told me she had to quit the demands to be carried everywhere and walk for herself despite her fear of strange flooring, and in only a few weeks has gone from refusing to set foot outside of her classroom to repeated escape attempts. For some reason she has a consuming passion for the classroom next door, and wherever she escapes from she makes a beeline for this classroom instead of her own. This summer the stroller (Mya's security blanket) will be mothballed, and I'll have the unbridled joy of carrying everything my kids need lugged along by hand while the little miscreants take off in opposite directions.
Lastly on the Mya subject, she has actually consented to mostly come (occasionally) when I call her- she will walk part way to me as if she respects my opinion or something before starting to ignore me. This is important, as my three and a half year old autistic daughter has NEVER even ATTEMPTED to head in my direction when I've called her... she'll come for her teachers occasionally and sometimes for the Neighbour Lady, but never for me, her only full-time parental figure (She knows full well if she doesn't come, I'll go get her myself).
The Insane Ex is once again pretending to be buddy-buddy with me... this is because it would be unreasonable for me to hold a grudge against someone who only punched me in the face five or six times and threatened to cut my throat once. She sees fit to call me nearly every day (collect, of course), question me about the welfare of the Smurfs, and remind me how every decision I make for them is wrong. Apparently she says now the Neighbour Lady should be the Smurfs' surrogate mother instead of their buddy, what with how I couldn't take care of a chia pet for more than ten or fifteen minutes at a time. The fact that the smurfs are still alive after a year under my care is apparently a coincidence of some kind, and most especially she is concerned Mya will somehow contract frostbite in warm, dry weather indoors unless she wears mittens. Riiiiight.
Lastly, the government is apparently conducting a study of some kind on autistic kids, and is willing to pay me a stipend for a session with the Smurfs. Admittedly I could use the cash, but seeing as how McGuinty and his henchmen are behind it I suspect a trap. I'll probably sign up for it, but be careful what I sign, never let the rugrats out of my sight, and have three escape routes planned to evade Men in Black. I have a stungun I made from an old cellphone, a car battery, and two coathangers that I might conceal up one sleeve just in case too.
Well, I had better do something useful with the rest of the evening. I'm going to see if I can rig up a capacitor to the stungun to get a few extra amps out of it. Until next time,
The Panjandrumic Lexiphage.


Blogger Fiddling Granny said...

That's awesome news about the kids and their progress. It's exciting to see them doing so well. I think the repeating of alternate phrases is great ... he's finding topics to use as practice.

Lucky you, getting criticism from Her Ladyship? I guess the restraining order doesn't include the phone?

As far as the suspicious study by McGuinty's crowd ... what, exactly are they studying ... how autistic kids don't need IBI, but somehow survive? How the government can ignore them? Oops, did that sound bitter?

5:26 a.m.  
Blogger SusanE said...

As I read what you write I can see you in my minds eye..... You write like you talk and it's easy to imagine that I'm right there with you....

You're a laugh.

And... Yup to what she said.... I want to hear the answers to your Mum.

9:11 a.m.  
Blogger The Lexiphage said...

No, the restraining order doesn't include the phone (unfortunately). I'm not sure what it is they are studying, but it has something to do with training new autism teachers or something... maybe they're trying out their new rubber hoses.

1:43 a.m.  

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