Friday, May 26, 2006

Return of the son of the Lexiphage III

Greetings, all. It appears I have finally succumbed to the pressure of my familial counterparts, and begun a Blog of my own. In doing so I hope to condemn the lot of you to endless hours of peering blankly into the terminals of your infernal machines, gradually withering your once-healthy retinae to husks of their former vibrancy. Hope you enjoy it.
Let's see... today Mya was in rare form; she spent her first hour of the day shrieking, kicking and otherwise behaving as if she were on fire until I guessed she wanted chocolate milk for breakfast. When we returned home she shrieked some more for good measure (I believe because I was washing dishes) and then later on shrieked through a diaper change. When Gavin returned from school she shrieked a little, then stole his drink and proceeded to throw it in interesting directions. This was, apparently, NOT because she wanted a drink of her own, but merely for the joy of it. She was quiet when we went out for a walk, but made up for it with a bit of shrieking and a faked injury whilst I prepared supper. She took a short break to eat, and then made up for it while Gavin ate with a bit of shrieking while she stole his corn chips and threw them about the living room. Then she shrieked and giggled while watching Elmo and Baby Einstein before bed. Lastly, after I put her in bed, she shrieked a bit for a change. On the up side, I noticed the shrieking got gradually less annoyed throughout the day.
Gavin was pretty good today, and didn't shriek much at all. His favourite pastime since I started teaching him the alphabet is hollering the names of letters as loud as possible and then giggling histerically. Historically, today he drew the letter "i".
As for myself, today I was really pleased that the government has made a third error on my tax return, but this time it was in my favour and they mailed me a check. Realizing they would soon notice what they had done, I spent it on some much-needed groceries with much enthusiansm and evil cackling. When the black-suited men appeared at my door later in the evening, I pretended I wasn't home. Even now, there is a flower delivery van three doors down the street that has been sitting there for an hour and a half. It has tinted windows. I also got a threatening message on my voice mail from Dalton McGuinty... something about fraud, justice and men with truncheons.
Well, I think I've inflicted enough upon you all. Next time, I think I'll post a picture... I wanted to this time but couldn't find anything with enough malificence.
Bye-Bye now,
The Sociophobic Lexiphage.


Blogger SusanE said...

welcome aboard. I'll enjoy reading your meanders.

8:53 a.m.  

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